08 June 2009

Signs of Summer--believe it or not

Yes-- that is a picture of a blue sky--- a blue sky that happened here, in Teton Valley Idaho Today. I know you can't believe it either. But it happened. It was still cold--- like 45 degrees and it cleared up in the evening so it is going to get colder. Time to wander out and cover the tomato plants and they live in a greenhouse. But there is still sunshine out there somewhere.

Here is another sure sign that summer is on its way....Some might recognize what these are. For those that don't, these are THE FIGURE 8 RACE CARS. As usual the race will be during the Teton County Fair in August. Brandon plans on racing again this year, and so does Josh--- we will have to see about that though. The rules say 16 years or older but nothing about Driver's Licenses (He won't have it until Oct).

Just for fun here are some more flower pictures from another walk around the yard. They are all pretty good pictures but someday I am going to have a macro lens that is going to let me take pictures of flowers that will look like alien landscapes I cannot wait.

This is probably my favorite of the pictures I took. It is of the apple blossoms on a neighbor's tree--- Our tree got blossoms but they weren't pretty and there weren't very many either. Our tree got broke during a snowstorm last June and it hasn't recovered.

Columbine in Grandma H's Garden , they look a little sad still but this picture is so cool . You can see all the yellow things in the center. It doesn't stand out so well from the red barn in the background though something I need to think about before I take the picture.

my last post I mentioned what those little white flowers do to my car. Well, it looks something like this but on my car it loses some of the charm of course. Well it I am off to save my daughter from herself and my tomatoes from the frost.

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