31 May 2009

Really Tired Today

Yesterday was the spring recital for Balance Studios… it was a great recital, all the girls danced so well. But that Company B sure has it’s moments. Girls will be girls I suppose but my girl doesn’t go to public school and doesn’t have the clique skills necessary to survive in there. I see her getting snotty like the other girls and I don’t want that to happen. I don’t think that it is a maturity issue, it is behavior issue that is not really acceptable from any of the kids. What am I suppose to do about it? How am I suppose to clique proof my daughter?

Anyway, trying to come to a solution last night, I did not sleep so well…and I am tired and I think I handled the whole thing badly by emailing the teacher and putting it in a not so nice way---just frustration on my part. Marissa loves to dance---there isn’t anywhere else but Balance for her to dance unless I want a very long drive 3 times a week. I don’t think that this well improve with time really because I don’t , like I said, think this is a maturity thing. Maybe with maturity she can learn to ignore the nonsense though. I don’t know, get a good nights sleep , issue a formal apology to the teacher and maybe I can come out with a solution that will work.

On a happier note ,Friday was the last day of school for Marissa. We need to finish a small amount of math and a little English for promotion, but I don’t have to worry about attendance. It will be great. Now to come up with some really great stuff to do for the summer!